Wing Chun is a relatively young Martial Art, aimed to teach a student to effectively defend him/herself in a short time span. Whether you are completely new to Martial Arts or an experienced martial artist, Wing Chun is a complete system that will widen your horizon, improve the quality of your everyday life, and make you feel safe again.
Wing Chun is a practical and devastating fighting system based on principles from physics and body mechanics. The techniques are very simple, yet effective and can be applied in a variety of situations and therefore do not require the student to learn a specific technique for every possible situation.
Wing Chun is a close quarters martial art, which is very direct, without the need for fancy moves, leaps and kicks, but aims on economy of movement with simultaneous defense and attack. A Wing Chun practitioner does not oppose a stronger force directly, but redirects it to his/her advantage, without the need of using much of his/her own energy.