Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Day 1 This seminar is another multi topic seminar. The first day I worked with the students on some of Jeet Kune Do's methods of entering, or closing the gap on the opponent without getting hit in the process. You will learn many of the unique methods that we use for deceptive entry, and you will see immediately why Jeet Kune Do is so effective in the area of explosive entering!
Day 2 This video starts out with a bonus. While in Canada for the seminar, I visited a class being taught by my students. I was asked to please step in and teach whenever I felt the need to make a point, which I did. So you get this added bonus footage in this video. On the second day of the seminar, I taught defensive theory and some trapping hands. You will learn about the four corners and lin sil die dar (simultaneous defense and attack) as well as some extremely effective drills for developing your own defensive skills in a very economical manner. We finish up with some trapping, so this is another information packed video that you will not want to miss!
-------- Resolution*: 634 x 480 Running Time Approx: 1 hours 55 mins
*This video comes from a VHS converted to DVD converted to Digital. Every effort was made to keep the quality high and at DVD resolution but there was not a lot of editing so you may see static and VHS commands on the screen - especially at the beginning and end of the video. --------
Sifu Lamar M. Davis II has travelled the world teaching seminars since the late eighties. This series includes footage from many of these seminars. Volume 4 even includes footage from the classroom in the mid to late 80's. Through this series of videos, you will see the progression of Sifu Davis' learning process and skill level, all the way from the footage mentioned above to a seminar taught just a few years ago in Canada. There are a wide variety of topics covered in these seminars, and just because the title may make it sound like some of the stuff is repeated, that does not mean that it will be the same material. Just a single question asked during a seminar can send the entire session in another direction, bringing out things that have never been filmed in a seminar before. So yes, all of these contain different material, and they are all well worth owning!
