Course Info: Teacher: Sifu Tyler Rea Lineage: Lee Bing Choi -> Edmund Kwai -> Tyler Rea -> You System: Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System Course: Jook Wan Huen Foundations
Technical: Resolution: HD 720p (1280x720) Running Time: 1 hour 2 minutes
Lesson Info: Step/Lesson: Lessons 08-09 & 17-19 of 21 Topic: Application Sets and Jong Sets
These lessons teach the fundamental Application Sets for the Wing Chun Jook Wan Huen Bamboo Ring System.
Sifu Rea will explain the applications first, then demonstrate the bamboo jong, the tan mook jong, and the applications free-flow.
Below is a list of the video lessons included. Please note the lessons are numbered according to the overall place in the complete foundation course:
Lesson 8 - Jook Wan Applications 1 In this video segment, the application of Jook Wan Ring practice is related to self-defense addressing several lesser-known attacking hand methods not taught by most main steam branches of the art of Wing Chun today. Attacking hand methods such as Gok Choi, Dai Bik Bong da, Second beat attacks using the Wu Sao, roll over attacks of Fan Jeung and more are presented. (TRT 16:24)
Lesson 9 - Jook Wan Applications 2 This video segment dovetails with the information presented in lesson 6 touching upon the tactile surfaces of the bridge arm not generally discussed or trained in some main steam branches of the art of Wing Chun today. These particular hand and bridging methods are very important when dealing with and surviving an edged weapon attack. (TRT 23:56)
Lesson 17 - Jook Jong demonstration In this video, the training drills of the Jook Jong or Bamboo post are demonstrated. This lesser known type of upright post highlights the original use of growing Bamboo to develop a practitioners plyometric bridge arm spring and rotational force. Sao fot methods demonstrated include: Jeet Wan, Fan Jeung, Bik Bong, Kwai Jarn Biu jee, Tan Da, Sot Jeung, Ghan Gwat da, Som da, Biu Bong, Bik Bong Gwa Choi, Heun Biu and Dai Bong Cao. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills. (TRT 10:35)
Lesson 18 - Tan Jong demonstration In this video, the training drills of the Tan Jong or Spring Arm post are demonstrated. This lesser-known training device is most often associated with systems like Choy Lee Fut but has played a vital role in the Martial cultivation of many Kung Fu systems. Sao Fot methods demonstrated include: Jut Biu sao, Seung Ghan sao, Kwan sao, Bik Jeung, Gum sao Fan Cup choi, Seung Wong Jeung and a demonstration of Lei Som sao loose hands are presented as well. There is no explanation in this lesson, just the drills. (TRT 4:24)
Lesson 19 - Jook Wan Application 3 Demonstration This video features Applications with a partner applying the previous levels of Jook Wan training in a free flow manner. There is no explanation; just a demo of the application free-flow drills. (TRT 6:11)
